The Project
Erickson Senior Living has an earned reputation around the country as a good neighbor. As part of its CEF-M (Community Enhancement Floating – Mixed) zoning proposal, we wanted to use our enhancement requirement to solve challenges and desires prioritized by the community. Over the past several years, Erickson Senior Living has held more than 50 community meetings with the local River Hill and Clarksville communities to determine what enhancements are most important to the people who live and work in the area.
As the operator and end-user of the project, Erickson Senior Living wants to ensure that the proposed enhancements are reflective of this significant community input. As a result, the proposed enhancements fall within four categories: (1) transportation improvements, (2) pedestrian connections, (3) meeting space, and (4) an intergenerational park.
Current Approval Status
Our team at Erickson Senior Living would like to thank the Howard County Executive, Howard County Planning and Zoning staff along with all associated agencies for the timely Preliminary Equivalent Sketch Plan (PESP) approval and for your efforts to help us reach Technically Complete (TC) status for our PESP submission. We look forward to moving the project to its next phase which is the Site Development Plan (SDP) submission and want to thank the immediate community, Howard County Zoning Board, and Howard County Planning Board for supporting us through this journey.
Your support and dedication to this project has meant so much to our team and our company. We are very excited about our future in Howard County, and we very much look forward to being your neighbor.
Approved Location

Development Concept Plan

Community Enhancements

Transportation Improvements
Traffic concerns within this area of Clarksville Pike is the number one issue we heard when meeting with the community. In order to address this challenge, Erickson Senior Living is proposing a comprehensive strategy to improve the traffic conditions along this corridor, including but not limited to: a signalized intersection at Linden Linthicum Lane, realignment of Sheppard Lane, and expanding Route 108 from two lanes to five in front of the community.

Pedestrian Connections
The Route 108 corridor currently lacks sidewalks that connect to businesses and other destinations. The community expressed a strong desire to connect the residential areas of River Hill and Clearview to the commercial core located between Linden Linthicum Lane and Great Star Drive. As a result, Erickson Senior Living is proposing multi-use pathways (pending right-of-way availability) from Meadow Vista Way to Great Star Drive in alignment with the Clarksville Streetscape Design Guidelines.

Meeting Space
The Clarksville community has expressed a desire to have space available within the proposed Erickson Senior Living at Limestone Valley community to have meetings/congregate. Erickson Senior Living has proposed making its event space available for meetings by reservation for the larger Clarksville community when not in use by the community.

Intergenerational Park
The Clarksville community has expressed a desire for a community gathering place along the Route 108 corridor. Erickson Senior Living has adjusted their development plan to include a 5-acre park along the frontage of the property. The Erickson Senior Living team worked closely with the local community to determine what amenities are most important in this park. The current park plan is reflective of the community’s desires.
Additional Traffic Improvements Information
Improvement #1: Traffic on Clarksville Pike
Our plan is to provide an alternate and safer access to Clarksville Pike via a proposed Linden-Linthicum Lane intersection.

Improvement # 2: Linden-Linthicum Lane traffic signal installation
Our plan is to fund and install a traffic signal to better control the flow of traffic at the intersection of Linden-Linthicum Lane and Clarksville Pike.

Improvement # 3: Lengthen the left turn lane to enter Sheppard Lane
Our plan is to widen Clarksville Pike along the frontage to create a continuous dedicated left turn land at Sheppard Lane.

Improvement # 4: Additional turn lanes for Sheppard Lane intersection
Our plan is to realign the intersection to Clarksville Pike per SHA/Country criteria and add dedicated left and right turn lanes to alleviate congestion and assist with traffic flow.

Commitment to Sustainability
The Limestone Valley site takes into account sustainable design and construction methods. Our Erickson Senior Living team is working with Live Green Howard County to implement the best in sustainable design and operation practices. These include the following:
Sustainable Design & Construction
- Storm Water Runoff Bio-Retention
- Energy Efficient Heating & Cooling Systems
- LED Lighting
- Low VOC Carpet & Paint